Amla is a green-fruit plant originated from India. Its action is not recognized in Europe as much as it is in the Middle East regions. Actually, it is because the natural oil extracted from Alma is not so easily accessible outside Asia. What are the features of Amla oil?
Amla is one of the herbs that Hindu Ayurveda – an Indian natural medicine – developed already in antiquity. Many written sources state that the very plant is the best herb for counteracting sings of premature ageing. What is more, one of the most surprising actions of Amla is the fact that this inch-big fruit contains the same amount of C vitamin as two lemons combined. And this is due to the high concentration of ascorbic acid that Amla is such a strong anti-oxidant. Despite C vitamin, Amla is also used for many other purposes.
Fruits of Indian gooseberry are natural substance that greatly facilitates healing all scalp and hair ailments. For that reason, Amla is used for producing oils, extracts and macerates, yet these are not all of the features of this Indian plant. To clarify, Amla oil is widely used for treating such ailments like diarrhoea, piles, ulcer, stomach inflammation and even throat inflammation. Owning to antibacterial action, the fruit works beneficial for digestive system. Finally, Amla is also used as antipyretic, antidiabetics and even as aphrodisiac.
Indian gooseberry has exceptional features, which are willingly used in cosmetic industry. The most valuable characteristic of the fruit is the beneficial working on hair. Oil extracted from the fruit strengthens hair roots, prevents hair loss and split ends. With this in mind, one can state that Amla is a great natural substance that brings health back to strands. Thanks to regular use, the oil gifts hair with flexibility and shine. What is also interesting, it has moistening and cleansing features as well. For that reason, it can be perceived as an ideal antidandruff preparation.